I send letters and Bottles across bodies
of water or folded up and flown over the
Peaks addressed to the summer summer is
a star-eyed space cadet called me
Stardust in the making I wrote back
don’t forget your belly laugh is my
childhood toy chest you taught me how to
speak up gutsy back when I was gunshy31
and a winter as beautiful as Robert
Frost epat since then some car accidents
thick black stitches and outpatient
surgery I now realize we are Playing for
Keeps and I am Sleepless but I still
want hot coffee and good times for
dreamers the heart is fragile shelter
but I want it fresh final steady before
we said I miss you wish you smiled more
you sturdy banister heart monitor
sidekick they won’t play you my glues
forever I won’t always be there to rim
shot your punchline I know because the
stars are in season and they only smell
sweeter the older we get don’t they
there was a time when I wi outed
stargazed with so many questions all
piano glissando and shimmering Christmas
light spinning under willow trees
chasing the fireflies even now with my
ghosts the nightmares of sweet nothing I
once met a woman with her mother’s last
heartbeat tattooed on her wrist and I
realized love could be life’s tender
mercy and keep us strong keep us head
above water keep us heart pumping that
raw ink calligraphy and painting our
dreams on the Twilight streets of
anywhere life sometimes strikes me as
rusher let the way you die younger bear
witness to death with the grace of a
passer by and Perfect Stranger summer
skull curse frights me every sunset
summer don’t remember me Shipwrecked
Only Sunrise Breakfast light is the
pendant that hangs from your necklace
your beauty begets a crowd like an ink
be Stadium still letting off heat and I
know I’ve been the Distortion making
something heavy out of your sweetest
Melody for some time now but no regrets
we are not just our smoke flying Skyward
like a soul from the exit wound born up
by seraphs we are not just our heavy
hearts and solemn goodbyes we are heart
Menders open eyes bright as the moon let
your gaze hold me like high tide sing me
the Blues
Video transcription of “Letter To Summer” by Valence and Ghost Poetry Show.
About the poet Valence
Valence is a slam poet and artist in the Phoenix area of Arizona. Learn more about his work HERE.